Conquest by Online Exchanges Is Falling Flat – So Far

LAS VEGAS — Online exchanges may have no role in transportation today, but their time will come — and soon — according to remarks at a workshop on electronic commerce.

The discussion was part of a June 15-16 conference on e-commerce and freight transportation organized by First Conferences of London.

Workshop speakers told about 90 skeptical shippers, carriers and third-party logistics providers that the day is coming when trucking will use the Internet to barter for business. However, the electronic commerce experts seemed uncertain about how the online freight revolution would occur and when the preponderance of transportation business would be conducted online.

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The many naysayers in the audience said they were reluctant to use electronic exchanges because of fears the online management systems would take away potential business opportunities.

For the full story, see the June 26 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.