CVSA, Trucking Critics Discuss Safety Education

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance gathered some of trucking’s critics to discuss the highway safety challenges that face the industry, including the suggestion that everyone work together on driver education.

The session was part of the inspector association’s annual meeting, held Sept. 9-14 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Lt. Lisa Irwin of the Michigan State Police is the CVSA president for 1999-2000. She said the session was a good first step in working together with groups that had not previously been involved with the alliance.

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The groups to which Irwin referred had not been invited to previous industry conventions because of their antagonism toward trucking. This session was attended by representatives of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AAA Inc. (formerly American Automobile Association), Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways, National Association of Governors’ Highway Safety Representatives and Parents Against Tired Truckers.

For the full story, see the Sept. 18 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.