CVSA Wants Separate Recorders Rule

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, which represents the men and women who enforce trucking safety on the highway, wants the Department of Transportation’s hours-of-service rulemaking to go forward, but without the mandate for onboard data recorders.

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Sgt. Donald C. Bridge Jr. of the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles said DOT should not try to revolutionize truck driver work limits and force the long-haul industry to adopt logging by computer at the same time.

“Get the hours of service out and squared away first,” he said. “Don’t try to mix the two rules together.”

Bridge, who chairs the organization’s driver committee, briefed officers on the hours-of-service rulemaking during CVSA’s annual meeting, Sept. 9-14.

For the full story, see the Sept. 18 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.