DAT Report Shows Loads Rise, Rates Flat

The latest DAT Trendlines report of spot freight market activity and rate trends shows increases in loads and few signs of changes in rates.

The Sept. 5 report from DAT, part of Portland, Ore.-based TransCore, showed a 7.6% rise in spot market loads during the Aug. 25-31 period, compared with the prior seven-day period, and a 16% increase in spot market loads on a year-over-year basis last month.

Rates for van loads during the most recent weekly period stayed the same at $1.84 per mile as the week before, an amount that excludes fuel surcharges. Those rates have dropped 2 cents per mile over a four-week period.

Flatbed rates also remained in a narrow range, staying at $2.19 per mile for two consecutive weeks and ending the four-week period down by 1 cent per mile.

In the refrigerated sector, rates remained at $2.11 per mile in both of the most recent weeks and have dropped 9 cents per mile over the four-week measurement period.

On a year-over-year basis, during August, van rates were 3.4% higher while flatbed dipped 4.4% and refrigerated rates inched up by 0.5%.

The weekly report also showed a 0.3% drop in spot market capacity for the Aug. 25-31 week, compared with the week before, though month-to-month capacity was 3.2% higher.