Data Overload? Help is Here

Data overload? Help is here.

To manage a fleet efficiently, you must understand its performance issues, and getting that understanding is a challenge. You might have access to loads of telematics and safety data, but sorting through all of it can be overwhelming.

ISAAC Analytics can make sense of all that data for you, and answer questions such as:

Do you have many sitting vehicles? What is the average truck mileage, month over month, year over year, per terminal or division?

Are your recent operation changes showing the expected improvement?

Which trucks perform best in terms of MPG, independently of the load, road, or driver?

ISAAC Analytics draws on AI across ISAAC’s platform, which analyzes petabytes of data collected every year, leading to increasingly accurate insights over time, thanks to machine learning capabilities. You can use these highly curated insights to manage your fleet proactively.


Understand the ‘why’ with 360° Insights

The 360° Insights dashboard is designed to highlight your fleet’s performance variances that need looking into. You can then drill down to see why fuel efficiency is low or which trucks aren’t performing well.

For example, ISAAC’s corrected fuel consumption metric shows how much money you could have saved through better driving practices, providing concrete measures for improving performance.


Make smarter decisions, faster

Imagine a quarter where fuel costs are higher than expected. In the past, you might have had to go through endless reports or bulky analytics tools to discover why.

Thanks to ISAAC Analytics’ AI-powered dashboards, you are now able to quickly pinpoint the reasons, whether it’s driving behavior, routes, or even weather conditions. 

With countless hours of data crunching saved, you now have insights that allow you to save money now and in the future by coaching the right drivers and choosing the right routes.


Keep safety a priority

ISAAC Analytics also provides you with pointed insights, such as:

  • Where are the best ISAAC Coach scores showing up in the fleet? Are top results found at a specific terminal applying a winning recipe that can be copied?
  • Speeding-wise, are any drivers clear outliers in the speed they travel at?

At the click of a button, managers have the metrics enabling them to work with drivers to keep safety top of mind, to keep a watch on sitting trucks and trailers to optimize asset utilization, and to keep costs in check.

"Safety is not a short-term game. The critical nature of the BI dashboard is the time-horizon data: the changes that happen year over year. That aggregation of data shows you your improvements over time." — Ryan Tilley, Vice President, Tandet Group


Trust the data

ISAAC Analytics is built on a foundation of high-quality data. It meets the well-known 5 V’s of big data, meaning you can trust that the insights you get are on point, on time, and reliable.

As the platform learns over time by remembering every bit of data ever processed, it will provide more precise insights over time and eventually allow for predictions, helping you make better decisions.


Help everyone make better decisions

One size does not fit all when it comes to providing tools that support decision-making. This is why ISAAC Analytics caters to the various objectives of fleet professionals, whether for keeping an eye on profitability, on compliance and safety, or general team performance in day-to-day operations.

Take a closer look and download our whitepaper.




ISAAC offers in-cab technology that goes far beyond ELDs. We partner with trucking companies to simplify the life of drivers and keep the wheels turning. We provide a reliable, comprehensive open platform that allows fleets to integrate all of their business apps on a single device.

Our real-time, in-cab coaching supports eco-driving for unparalleled fuel savings and safer highways, and we leverage artificial intelligence (AI) technology to empower your decision-making. ISAAC is the market leader in Canada and has a rapidly growing presence among top-performing fleets across the United States. 

Best-in-class fleets partner with ISAAC to achieve even greater heights.

Visit and simplify your operations. 


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