Diesel to Average $3.83 Next Year, DOE Says

Fuel Will Average $4 in Fourth Quarter
Larry Smith/Trans Pixs

Diesel will average $3.83 a gallon next year, Department of Energy said, boosting its previous forecast by a dime.

Trucking’s main fuel will average $4 per gallon in the current fourth quarter, down from October’s $4.09, DOE said in its monthly short-term energy outlook.

Gasoline, meanwhile, will average $3.64 this year and $3.44 in 2013, in line with last month’s outlook.

The motor fuel, which has seen supplies disrupted recently by Hurricane Sandy, will average $3.56 in the current fourth quarter, the report said.

Diesel averaged $3.84 a gallon last year and gasoline averaged $3.53.

The monthly outlook often lags DOE’s weekly price surveys. Its weekly report Monday showed diesel at $4.01 and gas at $3.492.

Both fuels have declined in the past month, with diesel down 14 cents in the past three weeks and gas down 35.8 cents in the past month.

Crude oil will average $112 per barrel this year and decline to $103 in 2013, both in line with last month’s outlook, DOE said.