Diesel Rises Again, 10th Rise Pushes Price to $1.469

he average price of a gallon of diesel fuel rose 0.8 cent a gallon last week, moving the price of trucking's primary fuel to $1.469, the Department of Energy reported Monday.

The increase was the 10th in as many weeks, according to DOE historical data and pushed the cost of the fuel to its highest point since Sept. 24, 2001. On that date, diesel fuel averaged $1.473 a gallon.

The price of trucking's other major fuel, gasoline, rose 1.8 cents a gallon to $1.458, the DOE said.

Each of the geographic regions that the DOE’s Energy Information Administration uses to gauge fuel prices saw prices rise, with the notable exception of the West Coast. For the seven states that make up the West Coast region, the average price fell 0.1 cent a gallon – a decline that was matched by California, the largest, most important state in the region.

The largest rise in price was in the Midwest, DOE said. The average price rose 1.2 cents a gallon in the region. All other regions had price increases of less than a full cent.

Since the 10-week run-up began, the national average price of diesel fuel has risen 16.5 cents a gallon, adding nearly $50 to the cost of a 300-gallon fill-up.

The EIA surveys 350 diesel filling stations each week to compile a national snapshot of the cost of diesel fuel.