DOT Creates Office to Collect Carrier Data

The Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics has created a new Office of Motor Carrier Information to collect financial and operating statistics from trucking companies.

Russ Capelle will run the office. He was previously manager of freight data programs at BTS and was director of the statistical analysis department of American Trucking Associations from 1990 to 1992.

Capelle said he will use quarterly and annual reports filed by trucking companies to provide comprehensive analysis of the industry for federal agencies. The data is used by the federal agencies, including the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, to monitor carrier safety and productivity. The data is also used by carriers, shippers, industry analysts, labor unions and segments of the insurance industry to “benchmark” segments of trucking and individual carrier operating performance.

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Under current law, Class I carriers – firms with annual revenue over $10 million – are required to file quarterly and annual reports. Class II carriers – firms with annual revenue between $3 million and $10 million — must file annual reports only. Smaller carriers and private fleets are exempt.

For the full story, see the Aug. 7 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.