DOT Gets New Public Affairs Chief

The Department of Transportation has a familiar face as its new chief spokesman. William Schulz, the department’s deputy director of public affairs, has been named director of public affairs.

Schulz is currently responsible for coordinating DOT’s media relations efforts. Before joining DOT in 1994, he was press secretary to former California Insurance Commissioner and gubernatorial candidate John Garamendi.

He replaces Steven J. Akey, who is leaving April 9 to become senior vice president in the Washington, D.C., office of Edelman Public Relations Worldwide.

Akey worked at DOT since 1995. From 1993 to 1995, he was director of public affairs at the Federal Highway Administration.

Also, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is getting a new spokesman.

Cathy Hickey joins the agency April 12 as a public affairs specialist. Hickey is currently director of public affairs for Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. She had held similar jobs with the Maryland Department of Transportation and the National Association of Governors' Highway Safety Representatives.