Drayers Rally at Seven U.S. Ports

Port truckers upset about poor working conditions and surging fuel prices rallied Friday at seven of the nation's largest ports, according to reports by Bloomberg News.

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The demonstrations, organized by the Teamsters and billed as the first nationwide protest of port truckers, were made up of groups of about 100 truckers at each port.

The protests occurred at Baltimore; Charleston, S.C.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Los-Angeles-Long Beach; New York-New Jersey; Savannah, Ga.; and Seattle.

Freight movement was slowed at Charleston and Baltimore, but traffic was normal at the other ports, Bloomberg reported.

Port truckers are upset about unsafe working conditions, low wages made even lower by recent diesel fuel price spikes, insurance scams and the lack of benefits such as health insurance and pensions.

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In hopes of correcting the problems, the Teamsters have created a Port Truckers Bill of Rights. The union officials have also called upon President Clinton to declare port drivers are in a state of emergency and deserve federal disaster relief funds to compensate them for the high fuel prices.