Enforcement Worries Carriers More Than Rules

New cargo securement regulations emerging from the Department of Transportation may mean carriers will need to retrain their drivers, but that is not their primary concern.

Carriers are more worried that enforcement of the new rules will be spotty, pointing to oversight of current regulations, which they say is often nonexistent.

“The only problem with the new regulation is there will be no one to enforce it,” says Dean Newell, vice president of safety at Maverick Transportation. “We have good regulations now that we don’t enforce.”

Another problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of uniformity among the states. California does not recognize core racks for hauling timber, for example, but other states do, Newell says.

“Personally I feel everybody should be on the same page,” Newell says.

For the full story, see the Feb. 12 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.