Ensign Concedes Election to Reid

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dotReid defeats Ensign by small margin.

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The last Senate race in the nation ended Dec. 9 when Rep. John Ensign (R-Nev.) conceded the Nov. 3 election to incumbent Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

At a Las Vegas press conference, Mr. Ensign said it was apparent that a recount would not give him sufficient votes to overturn Mr. Reid’s election.

Mr. Ensign asked for a recount because of problems in counting absentee ballots in Washoe County, which includes Republican-rich Reno. Because Mr. Ensign won by more than 2,000 votes there, Republicans hoped a recount of nearly 6,000 mail-in ballots would allow him to overtake the incumbent.

A recount of ballots in Washoe County last week dropped Mr. Reid’s margin of victory from 401 votes to 379 votes. While the recount was not complete, Mr. Ensign said it was obvious he would not pick up enough votes to tilt the balance in his favor.

The election was closely watched by trucking executives because of Mr. Reid’s opposition to triple trailer trucks. American Trucking Associations and several trucking companies put a combined $200,000 into television commercials educating Nevada residents about the voting record of Mr. Ensign on tax and health care issues.

For the full story, see the Dec. 14 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.