Federal Court Sides With Overnite In Overturning Labor Board Ruling

Overnite Transportation Co. has won a court victory in its long-running battle with the Teamsters.

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A federal court in Philadelphia overturned a National Labor Relations Board decision in April forcing the less-than-truckload carrier to bargain with union representatives in Miami over subcontracting.

The Richmond, Va.-based company “stands vindicated” by the ruling from the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Overnite spokesman Ira Rosenfeld said.

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“This decision illustrates the Teamsters’ hollow propaganda that over 1,000 charges have been filed against Overnite in the last five years,” Rosenfeld said in a statement. “While the Teamsters repeatedly issue this boilerplate, they conveniently fail to note that over 700 of those charges have been dismissed outright due to lack of merit or withdrawn by the Teamsters themselves under pain of dismissal by the NLRB.”

For the full story, see the Nov. 27 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.