Gasoline Average Tops $4 a Gallon

Larry Smith/Trans Pixs

The national average for gasoline has topped $4 a gallon for the first time, according to AAA.

The average price reached $4.005 a gallon, USA Today reported Monday, citing the motorists group.

California drivers are paying above $4.40 a gallon, while the lowest price is in Missouri, at about $3.80, USA Today said.

The Lundberg Survey’s twice-monthly report issued Sunday pegged the national average at $3.99 a gallon, up 20 cents in three weeks.

Analyst Trilby Lundberg said the price increases came in spite of flat or declining demand, Bloomberg reported.

Crude oil jumped $10.75 Friday, a record one-day climb, to close at a record $138.54 a barrel.

The Department of Energy comes out with its weekly surveys of diesel and gasoline prices Monday afternoon.