Houston Drayage Carriers Drop Teamsters Suit

A group of Houston drayage carriers are withdrawing their lawsuit against a Teamsters local that was planning to strike the trucking companies.

An attorney for the carriers said there was no need to pursue legal action after Local 988 dropped its plans to have as many as 1,200 truckers attend an organizational meeting rather than work on June 2.

“My clients are not in the business of litigation. They are in the business of providing trucking services,” said attorney Tuck Hopkins.

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The 16 carriers filed the lawsuit May 24 in U.S. District Court in Houston after the local began distributing fliers warning that all trucking companies that did not recognize owner-operators as employees would be struck. Other fliers promised owner-operators jobs at trucking companies recognizing the union as a collective bargaining agent for drivers.

For the full story, see the June 12 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.