Improved Inspection Selection System Raises a Better Flag

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is deploying a new version of its five-year-old Inspection Selection System that uses a combination of a carrier’s safety rating and roadside inspection track record to flag who may need more attention from inspectors.

ISS-2 is in use in about 20 states and should be running in nearly all of them by year’s end, according to Mike Blevins, director of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s field systems group in Lakewood, Colo.

ISS originally was developed in response to a 1995 congressional mandate calling for the use of prior motor carrier safety data to guide the selection of commercial vehicles and drivers for roadside inspection. It was designed to help better distribute roadside inspections among carriers, and to target those with poor safety records.

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The first iteration of ISS was based primarily on a carrier’s vehicle and driver out-of-service rates.

For the full story, see the Mar. 27 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.