Insurance Cost Squeeze Leaves Tough Choices

SAN DIEGO - Insurance costs are continuing to push higher, forcing trucking companies to take a harder look at loss-prevention strategies and risk-management practices, a panel of insurance experts told trucking executives here.

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dotMore MC&E Coverage and Information Policies for many carriers expire at the end of the year, and while the insurance cost squeeze has already been going on for about a year trucking officials are now facing a new round of premium increases or the hard choice of taking on more risk. So it was a well-attended event Monday at the American Trucking Association's Management Conference and Exhibition.

Companies can get some relief from soaring premiums by accepting higher deductibles, said Daniel Cincotta, risk manager for CNF Inc. - the Portland, Ore.-based parent of Con-Way Transportation Services, Emery

orldwide and Menlo Logistics.

"It's no secret the percentage of retained losses is inversely related to the cost of premiums," he said.

For the full story, see our MC&E coverage.