IRP Admits Decision Unenforcable

According to a third-party licensing bureau, the International Registration Plan admitted in court papers that it cannot enforce its decision to require trucking companies to have a bona fide place of business in their base states.

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On Nov. 13, the organization issued a ruling that could put out of business some licensing bureaus, which maintain records for motor carriers in a certain state thereby enabling them to qualify as a local business (1-3, p. 2). It could also wreck the work of states such as Oklahoma that lowered truck fees in the 1980s to lure carriers to base-plate in their state.

Truckers Bookkeeping Service, a licensing bureau based in Oklahoma City, has filed a lawsuit to negate IRP’s decision. A second legal challenge is being mounted by Procert, another third-party licensing bureau based in the same city.

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The lawsuits allege that IRP’s decision was prompted by questionable motives. IRP looked at the issue at the request of Comdata, a national company that competes with local service agents such as Procert and Truckers Bookkeeping Service.

For the full story, see the Mar. 13 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.