Louisiana’s Cathy Gautreaux Wins TAEC Leadership Award

John Sommers II for Transport Topics

LAS VEGAS — Cathy Gautreaux, executive director of the Louisiana Motor Transport Association, was presented with the 11th annual ATA President Trucking Association Executive Council Leadership award here at ATA’s Management Conference & Exhibition here.

Gautreaux was honored for her leadership, dedication and achievements on behalf of the trucking industry in Louisiana.

“Our state trucking associations are crucial to the success of ATA,” said ATA President Bill Graves. “Cathy has advocated vigorously on behalf of the entire trucking industry.”

In 2010 Gautreaux led the successful effort to persuade the Louisiana State Legislature to pass a law protecting truckers against shipping contracts that forced them to accept liability for any incident regardless of who was at fault.

In accepting the award at MCE’s opening general session, Gatreaux thanked the “LSU contingent” from her state, referring to Louisiana State University’s passionate football fans.

She received his award from Graves and Jim Keller, president of J.J.

Keller & Associates Inc. A $10,000 grant will be donated to a nonprofit trucking education or safety research organization chosen by Bennett.

Keller said his company has donated more than $100,000 over the life of the award and that he was pleased to continue his company’s support of the trucking industry.

Each year, Graves chooses the winner based on the recommendation of TAEC, which includes staff executives of state trucking associations and conferences affiliated with ATA.