Mass. Transportation Plan Delays Toll Increase

The Massachusetts Senate has approved a transportation reform bill that would avoid a planned toll increase in tolls and would abolish the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority by the end of the year, the Associated Press reported.

Under the proposal, the MTA would be abolished as of Jan. 1. The Massachusetts Port Authority and Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority would remain intact, but nearly all other state transportation functions would be consolidated under a new Massachusetts Department of Transportation, AP said.

By boosting the state’s sales tax to 6.25% from 5%, new new revenue would be used to stave off a turnpike toll increase slated for July 1, as well as any immediate hike in mass-transit fares, AP reported.

Following the Senate’s 27-11 vote, the bill moves to the state’s House. Members of a committee projected the reform could save taxpayers $6.5 billion over 20 years, AP reported.