McCormick: ATA Will Lobby for TCA

LAS VEGAS — American Trucking Associations President Walter B. McCormick Jr. told members of the Truckload Carriers Association Tuesday that ATA is going to be "taking the government by storm" and will lobby hard for issues of concern to truckload carriers.

McCormick appeared on a panel with ATA Chairman John Wren of Lakeville Motor Express, TCA President Lana Batts and TCA Chairman Mac McCormick of Best Way Express to discuss plans to integrate the two organizations.

Under a strategic plan to be voted on Wednesday by the TCA board of directors, ATA would assume responsibility for lobbying, policy-making and public relations activities while the truckload association would emphasize business management and training activities.

McCormick said he has met with Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater "a half dozen times" to talk about the need for hours-of-service reform and the industry's opposition to highway tolls in Arkansas and Ohio.

"We're working as a team to bring the full power of the federation to bear on these issues," he said.

Other issues of concern to truckload carriers include ergonomics regulation, estate tax reform and meal deductions for truck drivers.

Batts said she isn't concerned about TCA members having less influence on political activities because truckload carriers are well represented in ATA, and "Walter knows how to count noses."

For the full story, see the March 22 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.