McCormick Urges Railroads to End Attacks on Trucking

Railroads should spend less time trying to slow the growth of trucking and more time working with the industry to improve service and keep the booming U.S. economy moving, American Trucking Associations President Walter B. McCormick said in an April 3 speech to the National Rail Shippers Association.

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dotText of McCormick's speech to the National Rail Shippers Association (on Truckline)

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“Rather than seeking new partnerships, the railroad industry continually pokes its potentially biggest customer — trucking — in the eye by making empty threats to cut its business and attacking its safety record, which has never been stronger, and fighting its attempts to increase efficiency, even where the railroads would themselves benefit,” he said.

McCormick compared the rail industry’s continued funding of anti-truck campaigns to other industries attacking their customers, asking “Can you imagine if assailed readers of books?”

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He also criticized railroads for rejecting a proposal by the National Industrial Transportation League to back weight increases in tractor-trailers so long as part of the movement was by rail.

For the full story, see the Apr. 10 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.