MC&E: McCorkle Sets Unity as Goal

Schwarzkopf Ejects Press

(Michael James - TT)
Retired Army Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- After a speech from retired Army Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf on the importance of leadership –- from which the Desert Storm warrior banned the press -- David G. McCorkle of Oklahoma City took command of American Trucking Associations on the final day of the group’s Management Conference & Exhibition at the Opryland Hotel here.

As the new chairman, McCorkle spoke of a desire to unite all aspects of trucking throughout the nation. “We value every state and every member that makes up this federation,” he said during his acceptance speech Wednesday.

Two priorities he mentioned for his one-year administration were an increase in membership and a sense of inclusiveness. He wants each member of the association to bring in one new member during the next 12 months.

McCorkle, who is chairman of McCorkle Truck Line, also said there is a “We/They Divide” within trucking, and that to be most successful that must be changed. “ATA is all of us standing together.”

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Shortly before his speech was to begin, Schwarzkopf insisted that it must be closed to the press. The Associated Press, two local television stations and Transport Topics were all asked to leave. However, the media were permitted to hear McCorkle’s remarks.

McCorkle succeeded Duane Acklie of Nebraska as chairman of the association. Vernon E. Garner of Garner Transportation in West Virginia was elected first vice chairman.

(Click here for a copy of McCorkle's speech.)