Mica Praises Senate but Cites Concern on Highway Bill Approach

House Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) has sent a letter to his counterpart in the Senate congratulating her on the introduction of a surface transportation bill but taking issue with her two-year approach.

In his letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) dated Monday, Mica thanked the Environment and Public Works Committee chairwoman for her “cooperation and leadership on this important legislation” but said her two-year bill would “bankrupt” the Highway Trust Fund.

The bipartisan highway bill sponsored by Boxer and three other senators was unanimously approved by the Senate committee last week. Three more Senate committees must approve the measure before it goes to the full Senate.

Micas has said he wants a six-year reauthorization but he has not introduced a bill and leaders in either both chamber have yet to find the funding for two or six-year plans.

Mica told Boxer that he hoped they can work together to get a multi-year bill to President Obama before the latest extension of SAFETEA-LU, the current spending authorization law, expires March 31.