Minn. Soybean Growers Seek Biodiesel Mandate

The Minnesota Trucking Association expects a bill requiring that all diesel fuel sold in the state be part biodiesel to be introduced in the legislature within the next few weeks.

The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association got such a bill introduced last year, according to John Hausladen, MTA president. That bill never had a hearing, but Hausladen said it served notice to trucking that the issue would come up again.

“We anticipate the new bill to contain the same content,” he said.

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The original bill called for all diesel fuel oil sold in Minnesota contain at least 2% biodiesel fuel, starting Jan. 1, 2001. That figure would have been increased to 5% biodiesel on Jan. 1, 2002.

For the full story, see the Jan. 15 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.