Montana Truckers Appoint New Executive

The new executive vice president of the Montana Motor Carriers Association comes to trucking from the world of safety enforcement.

David A. Galt, who took over the reins of the state association May 1, left the Montana Department of Transportation’s Motor Carrier Services Division, where he had been the administrator for 11 years. MCS is responsible for all commercial vehicle safety enforcement in the state, as well as truck permits, licensing and taxes. He began his career with MDT in 1979 as an enforcement officer.

Galt wears several hats. He is the chairman of the board of Heavy Vehicle License Plate Inc., an industry-government panel that oversees the PrePass system of automated vehicle clearances and weigh-in-motion for interstate truckers. Also, he is one of five state delegates to the Land Transport Standards Subcommittee for the North American Free Trade Agreement.

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Galt said his first and biggest challenge is his new trucking role dealing with the federal government’s proposal for revamping driver hours of service.

For the full story, see the May 8 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.