N.C. Approves Governor’s Funding Plan, Reallocates State Road Money

North Carolina lawmakers gave final approval to Gov. Pat McCrory’s transportation reform bill, a measure that changes how road funding money is distributed in the state.

The House voted 105-7 to send the bill to the governor. The new funding method, called the Strategic Mobility Formula, will allocate state road money by need, rather than by geography.

Since 1989, the state has divided road funds among 14 regional transportation districts, which critics said resulted in highways that ended at regional or county lines.

Backers of the bill said the new formula recognizes the state’s urban growth and the need for connectivity and freight mobility.

Once McCrory signs the bill, only 30% of the state highway money will be distributed to the regional districts. About 42% will be spent on projects of statewide importance, with the rest on regional projects.

Within each allocation category, projects will have to compete with one another on the basis of merit.