N.J. Enacts Fines for Ban on Through Trucks

Violators of New Jersey’s through-truck ban now face heavy fines, thanks to legislation signed by Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R).

The fines are the final piece putting into effect the state’s truck ban, which American Trucking Associations has called unconstitutional and unfair to interstate carriers. She enacted the ban in July using her emergency powers, but legislative action was required to put fines in place ("Lawmakers Add Teeth to N.J. Ban," 12-20, p. 8).

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Truckers now face penalties of up to $400 for the first offense, $700 for the second offense and $1,000 for subsequent violations.

The ban applies to all roads not federally designated for truck travel in New Jersey. It affects trucks wider than 96 inches that are not based in New Jersey and are not making a pickup or delivery in the state.

For the full story, see the Jan. 17 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.