NPTC Restructuring Plan Passes

LONG BEACH, Calif. -- A complete structural makeover was approved for the National Private Truck Council at its annual convention, which attracted about 1,200 private fleet operators and suppliers.

With little dissension, members voted May 3 to add new divisions to attract light- and medium-truck fleet operators and suppliers. The plan also will greatly reduce the size of the board of directors to increase member participation and make the 10-year-old organization more flexible to react to changes in the industry.

Only one unidentified member voted against the restructuring, which will take about six months to implement.

"This is the future of the organization" said Kit Kloeckl, the group's outgoing chairman.

Kloeckl stepped down at the meeting, which ran from May 2 to 5, because he resigned as vice president of refined fuels distribution for Cenex Harvest States in St. Paul, Minn.

Tom Benson, director of transportation for Continental Grain Co. in Chicago, will replace him. He will serve as interim chairman until the new board is formed later this year.

For the full story, see the May 10 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.