N.Y. Gov. Backs Congestion-Fee Plan

Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News

Newly seated New York Gov. David Paterson (D) backs a New York City plan to charge motorists fees in parts of Manhattan during peak business hours, the Associated Press reported.

Paterson, who took office this month following the resignation of former Gov. Elliot Spitzer (D), backs the plan that would charge motorists $8 to use streets in the lower half of Manhattan during weekdays, AP reported.

Spitzer had backed the plan when he was in office, which had called for higher fees on trucks, with exceptions for cleaner trucks.

The plan still must be approved by state lawmakers, and such approval would give the city access to $354 million in federal money to implement the plan, according to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, AP reported.

Paterson said the plan works for New York City residents and for commuters from the suburbs, by providing money for mass transit improvements while reducing traffic and air pollution, AP reported.

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