Obama Backs Higher Truck Weights for Maine, Vermont

The Obama administration has agreed to support truck weights of up to 100,000 pounds on additional stretches of interstate highways in Maine and Vermont.

Trucks are limited to 80,000 pounds on most interstates across the country, although some states have been granted exemptions.

The announcement about Obama’s support was made by Maine Sen. Susan Collins (R) Sept. 15 after the administration notified the Senate Appropriations Committee that a provision for the heavier trucks should be part of a continuing appropriations measure now before the committee.

A pilot program under way in both states has allowed 100,000-pound trucks to run on interstates, but that trial expires in December.

Collins and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote to the Appropriations Committee asking it to heed the president’s wishes for a permanent exemption.