Obama Urges House to Pass Transportation Bill

In his weekly radio address this weekend, President Obama urged Congress to pass a bipartisan transportation bill.

Noting that the Senate recently passed a bipartisan highway bill with the support of 52 Democrats and 22 Republicans, the president said it was now up to the House to follow suit and “put aside partisan posturing, end the gridlock, and do what’s right for the American people.”

The House could vote as soon as Monday night on a highway bill extension, Bloomberg reported.

Update: House Republicans late Monday delayed a vote on the highway bill.

“Right now, all across this country, we’ve got contractors and construction workers who have never been more eager to get back on the job,” the president said.

“A long term transportation bill would put them to work . . . [and the government] just released a report that shows nearly 90% of the construction, manufacturing and trade jobs created through investments in transportation projects are middle class jobs,” Obama said.