Oregon Committe Drafts Smoke Tesing Recommendation

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An advisory committee of industry representatives has developed a recommendation for proposed smoke testing regulations.

The recommendation calls for a roadside testing program based on probable cause that targets trucks emitting black smoke. Standards would be consistent with other states and those found to be in violation would be fined $800. However, that fine would drop to $100 if the problem is fixed. Violators who don’t make corrections within 45 days would have their vehicles placed out of service.

The Heavy Duty Diesel Advisory Committee, which included representatives from the Oregon Trucking Associations, Oregon Forest Products Transportation Assn., Oregon Refuse and Recycling Assn. and the Oregon Dump Truck Assn., began work on the proposal back in September 1998 at the request of Oregon’s Environmental Quality Commission.

The Environmental Quality Commission will use the recommendations to draft a smoke testing bill for consideration by the 1999 Legislature, which convenes in January.