Package Carriers Expect To Be Hit by Regulation

As the nation’s largest transportation company and one of the most vocal critics of the ergonomics rules promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, United Parcel Service figures it is likely to be first on the federal government’s hit list.

“UPS has always assumed if standards are put in place, we will be the first place they will inspect,” said Dorothy L. Strunk, a consultant for the Atlanta-based package carrier, who offered her assessment of the company’s predicament at a meeting of the North American Transportation Employee Relations Association in November.

“The best thing,” Strunk advised, “is to comply with the standard.” Strunk is now retired and no longer represents UPS, but her former client is showing no sign of giving in without a fight. UPS has joined a broad coalition of businesses and industry trade groups that are suing the federal agency to block enforcement of the ergonomics rules.