Personality Traits Can Predict Driver Turnover, Study Finds

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Personality traits of drivers can predict turnover and safety performance, according to preliminary results of a study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame.

The study by professors Timothy Judge and Mike Crant evaluated a group of 450 drivers from seven different motor carriers over two years and found that four personality traits were strongly correlate with turnover and safety.

Orderliness is one predictor of driver turnover, for example, and anger is one for driver safety, the study found.

“Drivers with an orderly trait are structured. They take notes, make lists and keep their paperwork in order,” said Tim Hindes, chief executive officer of Stay Metrics, a company based in South Bend, Indiana, that helps companies with driver retention issues and whose clients provided data for the study.

Judge works as director of research for Stay Metrics.

Hindes said he plans to develop a selection tool for carriers to screen job applicants and will begin field testing a predictive model with four carriers whose drivers will take a personality test during orientation. Turnover and safety performance will then be monitored for the next six months.

The new tool could be available in July 2016, Hindes said.