Representative Criticizes HOS Rule in His N.Y. District

U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y) went to Burr Truck & Trailer Sales in Vestal, N.Y., on Dec. 9 to promote his bill to roll back part of the new hours-of-service rule for truck drivers, he said.

“This is an example of something that happens over and over and over in government,” Hanna said at a news conference, according to WICZ, a Binghamton, N.Y., television station. “Overreach, overregulation, a philosophy in search of a rule. And a rule that isn't necessary.”

With Reps. Tom Rice (R-S.C.) and Mike Michaud (D-Maine), the two-term Republican introduced in October the True Safety Act that would order the Government Accountability Office to study FMCSA’s methodology in constructing the new 34-hour restart provision of HOS. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration implemented a new driver-hours rule July 1.

The Hanna-Rice-Michaud bill, if passed into law, also would order FMCSA to revert the pre-July 1 version of the restart provision until after GAO completes its study. The new version of the restart provision says drivers can restart only once a week and that the time must include two consecutive periods of 1-5 a.m.

Hanna is a member of the House committees on Small Business and Transportation and Infrastructure.