Skynet to Acquire Pony Express

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Skynet Holdings, a Los Angeles-based company with courier operations in England, the United States and Australia, has tentatively agreed to acquire Pony Express Delivery Services of Altanta.

If completed, the transaction would shift the bulk of the company’s business to the U.S. and provide an extensive ground-based pickup and delivery network to go along with Skynet’s primary air freight business.

Pony Express recently ceased operations in 14 states on the Eastern Seaboard and in the Southeast, but continues to provide same-day and next-day delivery services through 100 offices in 22 states (3-15, p. 10).

Although Pony Express has experienced losses, the company has a revenue base of more than $100 million annually, Skynet officials said.

Skynet operates offices in New York, California, Washington, Oregon and Nevada, plus three locations in England and three in Australia. It is part of a SkyNet Worldwide Express network of 1,000 independently owned offices.

For the full story, see the May 10 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.