Snow, Ice Storm Hits Northern Regions

Tom Biery/Trans Pixs

A big winter snow storm moved from the Northwest across the Midwest and on to the East Coast Friday after dumping more than two feet of snow in some areas, the Associated Press reported.

The storm left thick ice in central Illinois, where up to 14 inches of snow was expected to accumulate.

Heavy snow started before daybreak in Michigan and began pounding the Northeast Friday afternoon, AP said.

Snow began falling in New York City early Friday and Massachusetts officials were bracing for up to a foot of snow there, Bloomberg reported.

Road crews in Spokane, Wash., worked around the clock to remove two feet of snow from streets early Friday as the storm, which set snowfall records in the West.

Interstate 5, the main North-South corridor on the West Coast, was closed for nearly 24 hours by treacherous conditions in Tejon Pass.

Two portions of Interstate 15 were also closed including a 50-mile stretch in the Mojave Desert that is the main route between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, AP reported.