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MCE 2024


Perspective: Trucking Is the Driving Force of the Nation

Regardless of Upcoming Election's Outcome, ATA Positioned to Have Pivotal Role in Nation's Capital
Perspective graphic

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This week, I’m honored to take the stage at American Trucking AssociationsManagement Conference & Exhibition for the 10th time as ATA president and CEO. Over the past decade, we’ve witnessed tremendous change within our association and throughout the industry. Through it all, we’ve endured pandemics and political turmoil, economic booms and busts, and shifting regulatory and legal headwinds — all while successfully advancing our mission to enact a broad-based, pro-trucking agenda built on common sense.

This year’s conference comes at a critical time, as our nation faces a political crossroads. In just three weeks, we’ll know the direction our country will take. Regardless of the outcome or the policies, legislation and regulations that follow, ATA is positioned to have a pivotal role. We will lead discussions and drive outcomes because our story is the rock that breaks the wave. Our message is directed to all sides and serves as the start of every idea and possibility — never the afterthought.

As we tell our story at the highest levels of government, we’re also making it resonate with everyday Americans. And if there’s one issue that consumes their attention, it’s kitchen table economics. We understand the choices people must make at their local stores — the prices they pay and the reasons costs keep going up. We understand the daily pressures faced by American families because we are those families. Our 8.5 million employees aren’t just moving goods; we’re supporting the lives of hardworking Americans who depend on trucking to keep this country running smoothly.

ATA's SPEAR: Trucking's Voice Will Cut Through Noise at MCE

Chris Spear


That’s a message we deliver daily to Congress. This year on Capitol Hill, the federation is on track to have the most Call on Washington meetings in its history. Since Congress convened in January, we have held 354 meetings, with more states coming post-MCE to pound marble and knock on wood.

These efforts are making a difference. Fiscal year 2025 appropriations bills are packed with ATA strategic priorities, including provisions to authorize $200 million for truck parking projects; combat cargo theft and predatory towing; improve the safe driver apprenticeship program; encourage action on hair testing; halt U.S. Transportation Department action on California meal and rest pre-emption; prevent the U.S. Labor Department from implementing its independent contractor, joint employer and walk-around rules; and prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from moving forward on its greenhouse gas Phase 3 rule. These provisions are ready for Congress when they return to Washington post-election.

ATA CHAIR BOYLE: Get Involved, Because We Can

Outside of appropriations, we continue to advance pro-trucking bills into law. The Transportation Security Screening Modernization Act — a bill championed by ATA to reform the credentialing process — was approved by a House committee last month and is one step closer to passage. Also, Congress passed and the president enacted legislation to improve military veterans’ access to CDL programs. In a paralyzed legislative environment where fewer bills muster the support necessary to pass, ATA’s priorities continue to move forward — proof of the effectiveness of our power and advocacy.

But our work is far from over, and our agenda remains full. Big union bosses are emboldened thanks to a sitting president, vice president and acting secretary of labor who made the unprecedented decision to walk a picket line. Unelected state regulatory boards and agencies are enforcing extreme, unachievable environmental and labor standards that threaten our industry and supply chain. And don’t forget trial lawyers who troll our industry, swaying juries and pursuing nuclear verdicts to feed their greed.

Want more news? Listen to today's daily briefing above or go here for more info

Despite these threats, we know that for our members, there is a future and attainable path forward with ATA. Our priorities are not only backed by common sense and data — they’re achievable. Our contributions to the supply chain make trucking the ideal partner of choice for government decision-makers.

So I ask you to commit to amplifying our story and stand with ATA as we advocate on your behalf. Together, we can shape the future of trucking, ensuring that it remains the engine of America’s economy. That is the essence of ATA’s member-directed approach. With your support, our industry will remain the driving force of the nation.