STB to Look at Rail Mergers

A Surface Transportation Board hearing will bring together numerous parties in discussing railroad issues, especially the recent tide of mergers and their effect on service.

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More than 60 witnesses are scheduled to testify during the session from March 7 to 10 at the board’s offices in Washington, D.C. Representatives from shippers, railroads, unions, trade groups and intermodal carriers are expected to bring up a shopping list of issues.

The STB called the hearing in response to concerns raised inside and outside of government about the proposed merger of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. and Canadian National Railway Co.

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Leaders of the House Transportation Committee — Bud Shuster (R-Pa.) and Rep. James L. Oberstar (D-Minn.) – sent a letter to the agency after the $19 billion deal was announced in December ("Closer Look at BNSF-CN Merger Urged," 1-24, p. 37). The lawmakers asked the board to examine the potential effects on the rail industry and whether the merger would lead to a second round of major railroad consolidations, which they fear might result in just two transcontinental rail operations.

For the full story, see the Feb. 28 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.