Teamsters, Overnite to Meet

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Teamsters President Jim Hoffa visited Overnite Transportation Co.’s Atlanta terminal April 8 and challenged company chairman Leo H. Suggs to debate the merits of an employee benefits package implemented earlier this year.

The actions were seen by company officials as simply a prelude to a meeting in Chicago April 14 and 15 between representatives of the Richmond, Va.-based general freight carrier and a newly formed union bargaining committee.

The meeting will be the first formal negotiating session between the parties since last summer and the first since Hoffa took office March 22.

Teamsters spokesman David Cameron said the union will be represented by newly appointed freight director Phil Young, Walt Lytle of Local 414 in Fort Wayne, Ind., Pat Flynn of Local 710 in Chicago and Ron Foster of Local 135 in Indianapolis.

It was not clear whether Hoffa himself would attend the sessions.

The Teamsters represent employees at 21 Overnite terminals and have been trying to rally support for a national contract. The union recently rescinded its support of Overnite’s 1999 pay and benefit plan and now wants the company to let employees vote on an alternative union-sponsored plan (3-29, p. 9).