Teamsters Stage Rally at NLRB

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The Teamsters union staged a two-hour rally in front of the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday to protest terms of a proposed settlement between the board and Overnite Transportation Co.

Protesters presented NLRB associate general counsel Richard Siegel with a 15-page report detailing alleged labor law violations and demanded that the board take swift action to punish the Richmond, Va.-based carrier for the company’s efforts to block additional organizing and its refusal to bargain in good faith.

Teamsters spokesman David Cameron said the proposed settlement carries no enforcement power, would return only a portion of back pay owed to workers who have voted for union representation and has a "non-admission clause" that would allow the company to claim it has done no wrong.

"The Teamsters union believes that the five-year-old effort of Overnite employees to secure union representation is now in a critical — if not make or break — stage," the union said in its report to the NLRB.

For the full story, see the Feb. 22 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.