TIA Backs Bills for Fair Access For Shippers to Railroad Service

High bonding and minimum volume requirements by railroads make it difficult for small and mid-size intermodal marketing companies to offer competitive rates to shippers, according to the executive director of the Transportation Intermediaries Association.

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Robert A. Voltmann, who criticized the rail policies at a Surface Transportation Board hearing in March, will testify again this week before the House Judiciary Committee, which is examining the issue of antitrust immunity for railroad in light of recent mergers in the industry.

Voltmann maintains that rail mergers are anti-competitive, and he wants lawmakers to force railroads to eliminate unreasonable credit requirements and reduce cargo minimums to levels that existed in 1996.

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TIA supports legislation introduced by Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), Rep. James L. Oberstar (D-Minn.) and other lawmakers, which they say would enhance competition and bring fairness to rail service.

For the full story, see the Apr. 10 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.