TMC Gets Back to Nuts and Bolts at Fall Session

COLUMBUS, Ohio — With its controversial membership issue resolved, The Maintenance Council of American Trucking Associations settled, with palpable relief, into more familiar routines.

The group held its fall meeting at the Hyatt Regency here, Oct. 16-19. It was TMC’s first meeting since the summer gathering in Tucson, Ariz., when members agreed to a revised plan defining the group’s status under ATA’s reorganized structure.

The ATA plan, adopted in 1998, had initially called for the companies of all members of ATA councils to also be members of ATA itself. However, TMC traditionally has had a large membership of employees of companies that do not belong to ATA.

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Many TMCers predicted that their council would fail if the ATA membership rule were rigidly applied.

For the full story, see the Oct. 30 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.