Truckers Continue Protests Over High Diesel Prices

Spot protests by truckers over high diesel fuel prices continued in several states Friday, news services reported.

About 50 independent drivers protested at the state Capitol in Richmond, Va., to draw attention to high fuel prices hurting their livelihood, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported.

More than 60 trucks with their horns blaring converged on the state Capitol in Charleston, W. Va., in protest of high prices, demanding government relief, the Associated Press reported.

The group included tractors without trailers, coal trucks, lumber haulers and tow trucks, AP said.

Diesel fuel prices have soared to record highs in the last month, topping out at a national average price of $3.989 last week before receding to $3.964 this week, according to the Department of Energy. Those prices are well over $1 higher than last year.

The actions followed scattered protests that began early this week, including trucks driving slowly down the New Jersey Turnpike on Tuesday and parking outside the Port of Tampa, Fla.

Truckers also protested high prices in several other states this week, including Georgia and Illinois, news services reported.