Truckers Oppose Maine Plan to Alter Turnpike Tolls

A group of state legislators and officials from the Portland area are studying a plan to eliminate exit tolls from the southern half of the Maine Turnpike and allow motorists to drive for free within regions.

Truckers oppose the plan for fear that under the new system owners of commercial motor vehicles would end up paying more to compensate for the loss of some toll revenue.

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The plan is similar to changes made on the northern section of the turnpike in November. The Maine Turnpike Authority was considering creating “regional tolls” on the rest of the turnpike until political opposition to the idea grew too fierce, but some Portland officials want to revive interest in the idea.

Under a regional toll system, Maine would get rid of exit and entrance tolls on the turnpike. The turnpike’s payment system would be arranged so that motorists could travel within certain zones, such as between Portland and South Portland, without being charged. Drivers traveling across zones would be required to pay tolls.

For the full story, see the Dec. 20 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.