Trucking Sheds 3,500 Jobs in June

Economy Adds 195,000 Workers; Unemployment Rate Holds at 7.6%
Bruce Harmon/Trans Pixs

Trucking lost 3,500 jobs in June, while U.S. employers added 195,000 workers to payrolls, the Labor Department reported.

The unemployment rate held at 7.6%, while revisions showed the economy added 70,000 more jobs in April and May than originally reported, Labor said.

The trucking industry lost 2,400 jobs in May, which was a bigger loss than the 700 drop originally reported, revisions showed.

The transportation sector, which includes trucking, lost 5,100 jobs in June, according to Labor figures.

Trucking jobs were more than 30,000 higher compared with the same month last year.

The overall 195,000 payrolls gain topped economists’ forecast of 165,000 jobs, Bloomberg News reported. Private payrolls rose by 202,000 following a 207,000 increase in May.

Manufacturing employment slipped by 6,000, while the construction industry added 13,000 workers. Automakers boosted employment by 5,100, a four-month high.

The unemployment rate is derived from a separate survey of households than the payrolls survey.