TT Group Moves to Improve Coverage

Transport Topics Publishing Group has made several changes in its editorial staff, creating two new editor positions, promoting two reporters and naming a managing editor for Transport Topics Press.

Thomas M. Strah was named to the new post of managing editor-features of the Transport Topics newspaper, responsible for a broad range of material, including feature packages, op-eds, editorial cartoons and most articles freelance writers submit.

Strah, who had been managing editor, has been a member of the TT editorial staff more than 20 years.

John D. Boyd was appointed to the new post of managing editor-news. He will have responsibility for breaking news content and final production of the newspaper. He had been assistant managing editor since January 2001.

oyd joined TTPG as news editor in May 2000 after a 25-year career as an economics, finance and transportation reporter. His early duties at Transport Topics included the development of TTNews as an online news service that updates throughout the business day and publishes several e-mail newsletters.

TTPG Publisher and Editorial Director Howard S. Abramson said, “Transport Topics has gotten too big for one managing editor to handle. We’re fortunate enough to have two seasoned professionals to lead our editorial efforts. We are printing substantially more news in TT than in past years, and this arrangement will help us continue to improve on our already award-winning efforts.”

Two staff reporters — Jonathan Reiskin and John Wislocki — become senior reporters for business and government, respectively. Reiskin will coordinate coverage of finance, information technology, fuel and equipment and Wislocki will lead a team of reporters covering state and federal regulatory issues.

Reiskin joined Transport Topics in January 2000 as a part-time copy editor, and took over responsibility for covering finance and business stories for trucking companies that May.

Wislocki was hired in April 2000 to augment the newspaper’s government coverage. He is a former investigative reporter and editorial consultant.

News Editor Court Gifford has been named managing editor of TT Press, a division that publishes a variety of books, reports and directories, including the North American Truck Fleet Directory and the U.S. Freight Forecast.

Gifford, who joined TTPG in May 2001, has been a reporter and editor in Washington for more than 30 years. He will oversee the development of new information products and services for the trucking industry, including a series of specialized newsletters later this year. He retired in 1999 as a senior editor with the Bureau of National Affairs Inc., where he covered Congress and labor issues for 23 years.

This story appeared in the May 6 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.