Two Truck Drivers Killed in European Fuel-Price Protests

Police cleared striking truckers who were protesting high fuel prices from the Spanish-French border, and two striking drivers were killed in separate incidents in Spain and Portugal, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

The three-day blockade in Spain left more than 2,500 trucks parked at the border crossing, as protesting drivers demanded the government set guaranteed rates to help them offset rising fuel costs and compete with large trucking companies, AP said.

One protesting driver was killed in Spain Tuesday night when a delivery van drove through a picket line at a market in the southern Spanish city of Granada, and another driver was killed in Portugal when a truck failed to stop at a picket line about 60 miles north of Lisbon, AP said.

Police broke up the border protest Wednesday and reopened the border to all traffic, AP reported, though there were no reports of arrests.