Unemployment Rate Hits Highest Level Since 1983; Trucking Loses 3,600 Jobs

The U.S. unemployment rate rose to 9.8% in September, the highest rate since 1983, while the trucking industry lost 3,600 jobs, the Labor Department said Friday.

Employers cut 263,000 jobs, following the 201,000 cuts in August that left the rate at 9.7%, Labor said.

Trucking lost 300 more jobs than it did in August, the Associated Press reported. In the past 12 months, the industry has lost 120,400 jobs.

The jobless rate was in line with the level forecast by economists, while payroll cuts exceeded the 216,000 forecast, Bloomberg reported.

Factory payrolls lost 51,000 jobs following 66,000 in August. Auto manufacturing and parts industries lost 3,500 jobs.

Service industries lost 147,000 jobs following a revised reduction of 69,000 a month earlier, Labor said.